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Conferences 2014-2015

BATS students attend and present their research at several conferences each year. We look forward to this opportunity to share our projects and learn about the work being done by others in the field as well as reconnect with BATS alumni. Here are some upcoming conferences we will be attending: 


  • Michigan Autism Conference (MAC), September 25-26 2014 in Kalamazoo, Michigan
  • ABAI Autism Conference, January 23-25 2015  in Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan (BAAM), February 19-20 2015 in Ypsilanti, Michigan
  • California Association for Behavior Analysis (CalABA), February 19-21 2015 in San Diego, California
  • ABAI Annual Convention, May 22-26 2015 in San Antonio, Texas


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